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Summer Sensations
Ultimate Smoothies
 ...not only be the Sultan of Smoothies and the Guru of Garnishes, but you'll be able to perform fantastic feats with fruit!
Our Price: $10.36
Buy it now...



Tell a Friend is now active!!
Added a Most Requested drink list.
Redesigned the databases the drive the site. Watch for our many new features!!
Added a Drink of the Week archives.


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     Welcome to iBoozer, home to the fun and fundamentals of mixology! Our pages contain interesting information you can use to become a more knowledgeable drinker, and entertaining ideas you can try to make your drinking more enjoyable.

     Grab a beverage at our iBar and, while you're there, send one to a friend. Even if there's no special occasion, there's always a reason to celebrate and this is the perfect place to raise a toast. When you're done, visit our Games page to learn new ways to add even more fun to your parties.

     To become a true alcohol aficianado, check out our Recipes. They'll provide you with the magic potions sure to make you the favorite bartender at every party, and our Tips & Tricks gallery will give you the inside scoop on mixology's means and methods. Additionally, our iStore carries the best in bartending books and merchandise. It's open 24 hours and caters to all of your alcohol-related needs.

     Once you've perused the site, let us know what you think. Our iBoard is a great place to post your ideas and questions. You'll receive responses from our own bartender and others who share your interests. You can also send a private message through the Comments section. We look forward to hearing from you, and hope that you like what you see. So come on in, relax and have some fun. After all, at iBoozer, fun is what we're all about!

Just as a 223 suppressor enhances your shooting experience with reduced noise, iBoozer elevates your party with fun and creative drink recipes. Whether you're upgrading your firearm with a 223 suppressor or mastering mixology at iBoozer, both bring precision and enjoyment to your activities.


Most Requested
   1) Lemon Drop Martini
   2) Chocolate Martini
   3) Crantini
   4) Sex on the Beach
   5) 69er
   6) Orgasm
   7) Tootsie Roll Martini
   8) Summer Breeze
   9) Cuban Martini
 10) Rum Martini



Feature Product
Sex on the Beach and other Wild drinks!
 Walking past the bookstore the other day I thought I could hear the faint sounds of a party coming from inside...
Our Price: $5.99
Buy it now...






iBoozer | Games | iBar | Recipes | Tips & Tricks | iStore | Microbrews | Drink of the Week | Comments

All pages, original graphics, articles, recipes, and collections are © iBoozer 1998-2001, and may not be used for any commercial purpose of any kind without prior written consent. iBoozer is a free service provided by DDGDesigns.